"Ninguém disse que seria fácil. Só que valeria a pena"
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Um Sonho com Começo, Meio e Fim
Apesar de meu intercâmbio ter acabado três meses atrás, ou seja, em Julho, sinto a necessidade de finalizar o meu blog, e como estou de volta ao Brasil, então também voltei a escrevê-lo em Português. O último post que fiz, falei sobre nossa despedida na escola e em como estava sendo difícil para nós aceitar que o nosso sonho, que todos aqueles momentos juntos, tinha "prazo de validade" e este estava vencendo de uma forma rápida, quase inalcançável. Nossa maior preocupação era, como vai ser nossa vida agora, o que acontecerá nos próximos capítulos, foram dias confusos, apesar de uma parte de nós está alegre por que iriamos rever quem aqui nós deixamos, a outra parte não queria abandonar aquele lugar sobre nenhuma hipótese. Choramos, cantamos, relembramos e no final, voltamos. Chegamos ao Brasil dia 13 de Julho, salvo engano, no inicio foi muito difícil, tudo era muito estranho, pessoas, comidas, lugares, a língua, o clima, chorei ainda por dias, não queria está de volta, sentia como se meu intercambio tivesse sido interrompido bem ao meio, apesar de ter feito de tudo, de ter vivenciado um mundo completamente novo, uma cultura diferente, um lugar que considero perfeito, era como se algo me faltasse e acredito que devido todos esses fatores, eu não me preparei para o dia que teria de dizer adeus. Ainda hoje me pego relembrando aqueles momentos, aqueles lugares e pensando, será que um dia irei voltar, será que foi tão perfeito pra eles como foi pra mim e ainda choro quando a saudade não cabe mais dentro do peito. No Brasil minha vida é completamente outra, escola, Inglês, vestibulares, uma correria, algo completamente diferente do que vivi durante aqueles cinco meses, é como se fosse uma vida sem essência, onde você nunca tem tempo, e isso é o que mais sinto falta, do tempo que passava junto aos meus amigos na Nova Zelândia, todos eles moram longe de mim no Brasil e apesar de já ter visto alguns deles ao viajar para Recife em Setembro nunca será a mesma coisa que um dia foi, eles podem até ser os mesmos, assim como eu, mas as circunstâncias são outras... Não quero parar por aqui, quero realizar mais sonhos, conhecer mais do mundo e do meu país, voltar a Nova Zelândia assim que possível, aquele lugar tornou-se minha segunda casa, é o lugar que eu jamais esquecerei, assim como tudo que lá aconteceu.!
Último dia na escola |
Tutor Class |
Classe de Matematica |
Classe de Física |
Classe de Turismo |
Voltando pra casa
P.S. Ficou faltando foto das classes de Teatro e Artes.
Friday, July 5, 2013
Brazilian Performance and Farewell
Today it was awesome. We had a Brazilian performance tonight at school, it was like a farewell because we are going back to Brazil next week, sad, so our hosts parents were invited to come to school and after we eat the foods we started our show, hahahaa, we sang the National and Pernambuco Anthem and one by one spoke something to our hosts parents or the people of school. We also had Frevo dance, Swingueira, The doll dance with the song "Jogo de Cintura" and we danced "Largadinho, Claudia Leite" it was perfect I liked so much the dances and the best one for me was The doll dance despite I made a mistake during the dance and stopped the song before they had end it oh my gosh I couldn't help myself to stop blame me for that. I made a video to show the some photos of the moments we spent here, together or with our hosts families or in the snow and stuff. Two of us sang "Anunciação" it was awesome I loved they singing this song and we sang together "Boa Sorte/Good Luck and O Sol". I guess it was a great night for all of us, our hosts parents were there, the principal; Ms Brokenshire and Mr. Flyubjera our good father here. Everything looks like farewell, last moment, this makes me feel sad because everybody knows that I love this place, I love this people, I love my friends. I am always thinking how it will be when we arrive in Brazil, how the school will be without them, how I am gonna feel. It is just missing seven days to the end of the best part of my life. I don't know how I will live without them.
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The girls dancing Frevo; "Voltei Recife" |
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We were gonna thing the National Anthem |
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The guys singing "Anunciação" |
Thursday, July 4, 2013
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
The Insect Play
Last week I went to school at night with some of my friends to watch the drama performance "The Insect Play" we Brazilians that have drama class were working in the production like with the lights and make up but we didn't do much. The performance was really cool we had some friends acting for me they did very well I really liked. I always like this kind of things and this was one of the reasons I took drama at school I want to keep doing that when I go back to Brazil and even if I don't take it professionally I would like to do it like a hobbie. I guess the people here have more opportunity in this kind of things because they have it at school and they can do it since early age. The bad thing is that in my city we don't have theatre and stuff I guess only a few cities had it and this make the things hard. When I was watching "The Insect Play" I couldn't think this was made in the classroom at school because for me it was really professionally it was pretty good.
Protest against Brazil's government in Christchurch
At the moment like everyone knows I guess it is happening a lot of protests in Brazil against the government, the corruption, the current life conditions and the building of stadiums to the World Cup. Everything started when the price of the bus fare increased $ 0,20 cent. I am really proud about the population because finally they woke up, finally the Brazilian people want to change the wrongs things in our country, want get better than actually we are and we can't move in silence I was waited for this moment I always wanted to see the people waking and saying I deserve better I want a better education, better schools, hospitals and when I saw that million people were and still are going to the street to complain about the current Brazil situation I couldn't feel more happy and I sayid by myself I should help them I need find out some way to show them I agree with the protests that I am the revolution like they are and then my friends told me about the peaceful protest was going to happen here in Christchurch I didn't think twice I just went there and made sure I was showing to all people I want a better Brazil. I liked feel doing something and I hope the people don't stop I hope they keep doing this until we get a better situation and that one day I can see a better Brazil. We are with you Brazilian people don't stop it, don't give up, this war is our.
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Brazilians visitors
A few days ago we welcomed ten Brazilians at Hillmorton High School. They came from a Travel Agency to look up the culture and the schools of New Zealand. I am not really sure about their purposes but I know that one of them was know more about schools here to send "Exchange Students" to New Zealand like I am right now. We welcomed them with the "Haka" we sang in Maori some songs and after we had a kind of breakfast to start "our small trip" around the school. We were divided by two students in my case; Me and Matheus and visitor that was Mariana from São Paulo in Brazil. So, we started go to classes and see what the students were doing, talk to the teachers and I guess they liked our school in main the class we don't have in Brazil like "Home economics", "Music" or "Mechanics". It is always really good meet other Brazilians and I really liked that day because it was different, like special and even I learned more about my school and I could see how my english improved because when we started talk to them made me remember when I arrived here that I couldn't really speak or understand almost anything and I know it is not perfect now but is quite better. After show all school to them we stopped to take photos together and after we went to our classes because we had the last period yet. Sadless I don't know where is the photos I took but if I find out I will edit this post after.
Thursday, June 27, 2013
The Birthdays
Since I arrived here almost every month I had a friend's party birthday. The first one was of Luana I really like this one we spent the all night talking, taking photos, eating and stuff and it was really in the beginning so we were still meeting each other, anyway I really liked and I will never forget that birthday. The second one I am not sure but I think it was of Marcos and was so fun as well. In May we had Matheus and me, so in the first one we went to the shopping mall and pizzeria and at the wekeend me and Keyson went to his home to sleep there and of course we had a lot of fun time I loved this one. In my birthday in the morning I went to keyson's house and after Matheus arrived there and we went out to the city, in the afternoon my old host family made a party to me, they left me invite some of my friends and they made a cute cake and stuff and we had the living room to us so we danced a lot and sang I loved my birthday and although my family weren't there and I was too far from home I can say it was my best birthday in my whole life I don't know how to say it sounds but it's the truth. I got two books from keyson and Matheus that I really liked I love win books and I got a birthday card from Pamella. After the party in my house we went to Mc Donald's and I just can say my birthday was perfect. The next one was of Grazy and the new thing is we needed to use some fantasy because it was a Costume party I dressed Batman's fantasy and like usually we danced and played games I also loved this one. The lest two ones I can remember were of Laura and Luna, the first one we went to Laura's house after school and we played games and ate some yummy foods. Luna's birthday was Child's theme so because I don't have Child's clothes and stuff I was wearing my normal clothes but it was really fun we were dancing and we had some weird games and yummy foods and I loved as well. I can't really explain what happened in each one of the birthdays but the only thing I can say is that I loved each one and I will never forget the time we spent together, the jokes, the games or each one of them.
My Birthday Cake |
Me and my friend wearing our fantasy in Grazy's Birthday |
Solene's Farewell Party
In the beginning of this month my French friend went back to France before she left we had a Christmas Winter Farewell Party that I went with my host brother on one hand was very good the party in itself, the foods was so yummy, I met new people and we had a lot of games in one of them I got a cute diary. I loved that. On the other hand it was sad because she was going home, because we are not going to meet up again each other and because made me remind when I go back to Brazil and maybe I will never come back here again and even if I do it will be not the same. I am gonna miss everything that happened here and each one of the new friends I made here and the worst part is know that the most of them I will never meet again. I will miss you Solene.
The New Zealand chocolate cake |
One of the games |
Some of the foods |
The Christmas decoration |
The Christmas decoration |
We playing one of the games |
The Game's gifts |
The Diary I got in one of the games |
The Christmas decoration |
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Progress Report for Brazilian Students
I received this a while ago but I had forgot about that. We "Brazilian Students" received tour progress report and the only thing I can say is that I am not proud of myself. I got one C, two B and three A and I know I could be better than I actually was. I know my time is almost over and the truth is my english is not good as I wish it was and I didn't do all I could to really improve my english. Of course I am not like I arrived here. I remember when my host mom picked me up at the airport and I couldn't understand anything or keep talking because I didn't know the words or something like that and now I can but I wish more than that I wish be speaking english almost like a native.
Maori Culture at Te Kura Tuarua o Horomaka
Last week we received at Te Kura Tuarua o Horomaka (name of my school in maori) the other Brazilians that live in Christchurch to have a maori moment, we learned some maori songs and dances and we showed to them. It is fun to learn more about New Zealand culture and mores. After the songs, dances, and maori games we had a time to know each other what is actually good know more Brazilians and make some friends. Finally we had dinner together and we sang and danced Brazilians songs as well.
This is one of the maori songs that we sang:
Nau mai! piki mai! e ngā iwi e, ngā reo, nga mana. Tēnā ra koutou katoa Ano te pai mē te āhua reka Whakaaro tahi o te katoa Me anga atu ngā kanohi rā Ki ngā maunga kei reira te āwhina. Ano te pai mē te āhua reka Whakāro tahi o te katoa. | Welcome, come on up here, everybody, representatives, leaders. Greetings to you all. It's so good, so pleasant for all to think as one. Let the direction of all faces be towards the mountains where all things are cherished. It's so good, so pleasant for all to think as one. |
Monday, June 3, 2013
Queen's Birthday weekend
I am without class since last Friday because we are in the Queen's Birthday weekend. The best thing is everything has "sale" in this weekend is like "discounts" so, I went to the mall and spent a lot of money, actually, all of my money. So, I spent all Friday at the mall, buying things, walking from one side to the other side with the others exchange students. After the mall João and I went to his house because he wanted play with his new psp and because we don't have many options to go at night here, we bought "fish and chips" and coke and we came to my house to watch "Vampire Diaries". On the Saturday, some of us "brazilians" went to Luana's house and it was very fun, we played guitar, we sing, the girls was dancing "brega, funk", like usually when we are together we did a lot of crazy things, and after her host mother bought pizzas and coke to us have dinner when we left her house it was late at night and took the bus to return home and when we were waiting the second bus like always we were singing and dancing at the bus stop and some people who passed us by car in the street were honking or screaming things to us and I know this things will never happens in Brazil because we not allow ourselves, as we do here and I can say that we are happy in a different way because we are crazy, we are ourselves. On Sunday, I went to the movies with some friends to watch "Epic", I liked the movie I think it's interesting. After, we bought some souvernirs to our family and friends in Brazil and this made me reminds which is close to return to Brazil and it's not as one of the best things that will happen, particularly don't want go back, not really. And finally today, Monday, João and I went to Luana's house again, and after there we stopped in the library to make some downloads. The one bad part it's because it's over, tomorrow, we have school again and it's wake up early and back to the routine.
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
The Beauty of New Zealand
There is one thing that I love to do is hang out with my friends, we don't need to have a destination, we don't need to have money, if we are together the rest really doesn't matter, we know how have a fun time, the only thing we need to do is find out a place to go or to stay and this is not a problem when there are so many place to go here. I can't imagine my life anymore without them. These are some places we went last weekend, they are so beautiful and pretty good. The best thing is you can meet out the nature, like park or reserves in everywhere and is preserved and this makes me loves even more New Zealand.
Victoria's Park |
Victoria's Park |
Victoria's Park |
Victoria's Park |
Victoria's Park |
Victoria's Park |
Victoria's Park |
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